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Mrs. Turner's Squash Skillet

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Found on &#8220;Twice Bloomed Wisteria&#8221; blog from a homeschooling mother who lives on a farm in Central Mississippi. She writes: <br /> &#8220;A few years ago, my Momma said she wished she could find some green tinted patty pan squash so she could make Mrs. Turner&#8217;s Squash Skillet. Mrs. Turner is an older lady in town who was originally from somewhere else. She had some different ways of doing things than many of the people who were born and raised here. One of those different ways was planting patty pan squash when everyone else here only planted yellow squash. Mrs. Turner once shared her squash and recipe with my mother. I, of course, found seeds and planted them. When the squash was ready, I shared it with Mrs. Turner and Momma and she shared the recipe with me.</p> <p>Here is that recipe. <br /> You can tell that this is a truly Southern recipe because sugar is added to vegetables. Sugar is added to everything here, <span class="caps">EXCEPT</span> the cornbread. <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Cornbread</strong></a>, by the way, is the perfect accompaniment to this squash dish. Anyway, if you feel uncomfortable adding sugar to vegetables, don&#8217;t do it or add less, which is what I do. The squash will still be good.<br /> Here are some other things I know about summer squash. You may substitute any summer squash in any summer squash recipe. There will be subtle taste and consistency issues, but the recipe will not fail or taste terrible.&quot;</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Twice Bloomed Wisteria
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: onion, pepper, squash, tomato, butter, sugar, pepper, salt, flour
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Mucuna Mocha

From Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op

<p>This delicious, dark, chocolately beverage is mildly stimulating and uplifting to the mood.<br /> Mucuna contains a cocktail of chemicals that can have a noticeable influence on the mind. Like all things, start off with less and add more as you feel inclined. This would be one to serve to your friends or those that may not be used to herbs or anything healthy.<br /> Mucuna has a dark coffee like flavor, shilajit is rich and smoky, and in combination with the cacao powder the result is a very delicious beverage.<br /> This elixir will make you feel clear mentally, and will give you energy for several hours.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Elixir Synergy
Servings: 2
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Multicolored Banana Berry Smoothies

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A lovely summer treat! You&#8217;ll need to freeze the raspberries, blueberries, and one of the bananas in advance. If you want it to look a little more blue you can add a few drops of food coloring, but it isn&#8217;t required.</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: raspberries, strawberries, milk, blueberries, milk
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Muscadine Mojitos

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Sweet &amp; refreshing, these mojitos are made with fresh muscadine grapes &amp; mint! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: Variable
Ingredient keywords: muscadine, mint, lime
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Muscadine Salsa

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This sweet and spicy southern salsa is a great way to make use of muscadine grapes if jams and pies aren&#8217;t really your thing! This recipe uses Roasted Muscadine Grapes as one of its ingredients. Can be used as a dip for chips or served as a topping over beef, chicken, pork, or fish. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: cleveland.ces.ncsu.ed
Servings: 3 cups
Ingredient keywords: onion, tomato, muscadine, jalapeno, cilantro
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Mushroom and Sweet Potato Potpie

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This rich &amp; elegant dish is vegetarian/vegan friendly. You can use whatever kinds of mushrooms that you prefer, this is just a suggestion. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: oil, shiitake, portobello, mushroom, onion, garlic, rosemary, bay, vinegar, potato
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Mushroom Pecan Stuffing

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A vegetarian stuffing (or dressing, as we call it here!) made with fresh local produce! Perfect for the holiday season! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 12
Ingredient keywords: butter, mushroom, mushroom, onion, celery, garlic, sage, thyme, parsley, nutmeg, pecan, bread
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Mushroom Stroganoff with Goat Cheese

From Citrus County Locally Grown

<p>Mushroom Stroganoff. This hearty dish is prepare with only 10 min. prep time and 30 min cook time and yields 6 to 8 servings. This dish can be vegetarian with the substitution of vegetable broth for the beef broth.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Alton Brown
Servings: 6 - 8 servings
Ingredient keywords: Noodle, Butter, Mushroom, Kosher, Onions, AP, Broth, Sour, Goat, Black
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Mustard Greens

From Citrus County Locally Grown

<p>Cruciferous vegetables have many health benefits claimed for them, including Anti Oxident and anti cancer properties. Follow this link for a detailed list.</p> <p>;dbid=93</p> <p>Here is a recipe that is a great addition to any meal. Yes, I have had Mustard Greens for breakfast.</p>
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, Olive, Mustard, broth, Salt, Pepper, Sesame
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Mustard Greens with Bacon

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Greens are quick and recipes can be simple. Still the flavor doesn&#8217;t let us down.</p>
Source: Kate An Hunter
Servings: Depends
Ingredient keywords: onion, greens
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